Saturday, September 4, 2010

More Work in the Studio

These pieces are more like the work I have been making right along than those I showed in my previous post. However, they do complement the running stitch work and have a lot of the same elements but stronger color.

These first two pieces are untitled as yet. I am just calling them Vertical One (above) and Vertical Two (below). They are both 56"H x 16" W x 2"D on three panels. They are encaustic with metal, rubber, plant parts, oilstick, etc. The center panels were made earlier but I always felt that they were too short at only 20" high. The top and bottom panels express dimensionality in another way and extend the colors in the patinated copper of the center panel.

Vertical Two has a similar arrangement but I emphasized the copper's blue tone instead of green. The colors of the top and bottom panels are really beautiful in person, if I do say so myself. I think that this is actually my favorite of the two because of the color. The dots in the central panel are pearls but they have a very metallic look because of the transparent encaustic partially encasing them.

This one I am calling "Conception" because it seemed to evoke both a spinning star in the galaxy and a human egg. It is on two 24" square panels. Materials are encaustic, fiber, oilstick, oil paint, gravel.

Lastly, this is "Honey Glow" because the top part of the panel has a glow that seems like the color of honey with light streaming through it. This is 24" x 24" x 2" with the usual materials - encaustic, fiber and plant parts.

Here's a closeup showing texture although I'm not sure how much you can see and/or interpret from the digital format.

Thanks for making a virtual studio visit. The positive response I received on my last post was overwhelming and very much appreciated.

Next Tuesday: The Questionnaire features blogger and renowned interviewer Lynette Haggard.


annell4 said...

I like this very much! Thanks

Hylla Evans said...

This is really good work, Nancy. You're on fire! Colors do glow and I agree that the Vertical piece with the blue is stellar. NICE!

Anonymous said...

Love'em all, Nancy.

Peg Bachenheimer said...

Your work is wonderful.

Nancy Natale said...

Thanks so much for your good words, Annell, Hylla, Cheryl and Peg. I appreciate your positive feedback!