The temptation exists to write about the whole resolution thing, the what-I-swear-(until a couple of weeks from now)-I'll-do in this bright new year, etc. I can't tell you how many times I've tried it and given it up as the newly-chosen behavior faded away from my active attention and lost its appeal. Back I was, right in my comfy bad habits until next January 1st arrived and I started resolving again. Anyway, Pam Farrell has already beat me to the punch on the resolution scene, and she's got lots of comments from people (including me) on the same wave length.

Finished today - "All Relative" - encaustic and mixed media on panel, 24" x 24"
However, I do think that reflection, intention and redirection are different from resolutions and part of the considered life. A commitment to making art is certainly choosing a considered life. The thinking part is the heavy lifting of spreading all that paint around.

Detail from "All Relative"
So I'm moving on in my work, continuing with a decision I began implementing in 2008 - to make larger work. Acquiring and then conquering my fear of using a torch (the Fat Boy) was part of that. This is the kind of resolution that makes sense to me. It's one that grew out of my process and that is a logical next step.

The Red Pair - each 24" x 24"
It's true that I had already begun making larger work. I made the work, had a show with it, and it didn't go anywhere. What to do but take a hard look at it and do some re-evaluating. I've decided to get rid of most of it by scraping down the panels so I can reuse them for new work. It's sort of like releasing the balloon on New Year's Eve with all the bad stuff attached. Bye, bye! I'm letting you go to free myself up.

Goodbye to all that - work now destroyed from the Physical Geography show last year
Last year was a hard one for me because I had to face my mother's mortality - and my own. It was very stressful, but that experience gave me a lot of insight into the human condition and some new ideas about ways to make art. I like the direction I'm heading in and have many ideas for new work. AND, I'm writing them down in my notebook/sketchbook so I'll remember them. (That was also a last-year directive to myself.)
I think (hope) I'm finally moving on a path in my work that will lead to a sustained vision. It's been a long time coming, but I think I'm finally seeing the way ahead. I could just break into song - of course it would be the blues.
I am a non-resolution person. I do believe in growth, however. Once childhood is over, we grow slowly. Any sudden, life-altering change we inflict on ourselves on January 1st is bound to fail.
I am looking forward to seeing your new artwork this year.
yes, I am trying to NOT use the word resolutions this time as well as I seem to have the same "resolutions" every year-- and of course I am always adamant that this year will be different--so I am looking for a new word myself.
Thanks, Kim. I appreciate your comment.
A shame! to paint over your work from the Maynard show. I thought it looked great.
Thanks for your comment, Linda. My enthusiasm for it waned, I learned what I needed to from it and I decided to move on. That's the way of the world, I guess.
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