Last week, in a flush of inspiration and do-no-wrongism, I finished these two pieces within a half hour. OK, it might have been longer if I allow for fiddling time. But anyway, it was damn quick after these pieces had been kicking around the studio for a while and refusing to cooperate with me.
"In Transition", encaustic and mixed media on panel, 16" x 16", 2010
"Lying Beneath", encaustic and mixed media on panel, 16" x 16", 2010
So I sent images of them off today to the Lake Oswego Art Show in Oregon that is happening next June. That is a big encaustic show that many members of IEA (International Encaustic Artists) are working on. Somehow they forgot to actually invite me, so the only way I can get in is to be juried in. It would be nice to be in the show because I have some relatives out there that might go to see it as they live nearby.
Along with the two pieces above, I added a diptych that I completed last year. I thought it rounded out the trio.
"Prologue", encaustic and mixed media on two 16" x 16" panels, 2009
A plethora of panels
Yes, it's true that I thought it would be a good idea to make my own painting panels, and I still do, but it turns out that I am a lousy carpenter. My table saw is too feeble for ripping (cutting lengthwise) in a sustained way and I am too unskilled or impatient or something to cut the cradle pieces so that they actually meet up or match up with the plywood on top. So I ordered a big batch of panels in different sizes and brought them up to my studio today. It's so enriching (I mean that I feel rich) to see them stacked there all ready to go, not needing cutting, gluing, sanding, etc, etc. What a relief! So it did cost me, but it was worth it. And to celebrate, I went ahead and started a piece on one of them as soon as I had unloaded everything. It was a pleasure.
No, no, Nanette
If you are a regular reader, perhaps you will remember back in November when I posted the three images of oil paintings that I had submitted to my alma mater, Mass. College of Art, for their auction. The auction is juried and you can submit three images for them to choose from. You blogees seemed to like them and selected your favorite, but unfortunately I learned tonight that the auction jury committee did not agree with you, and they rejected all three. It's never a good feeling to have your work be rejected - even if it's something that you are donating - because it feels like you personally are being rejected. In this case, I had actually thought that I would like to keep these three pieces because I liked two of them and one I wanted to repaint. So it really doesn't matter - except that it does.
If you are a regular reader, perhaps you will remember back in November when I posted the three images of oil paintings that I had submitted to my alma mater, Mass. College of Art, for their auction. The auction is juried and you can submit three images for them to choose from. You blogees seemed to like them and selected your favorite, but unfortunately I learned tonight that the auction jury committee did not agree with you, and they rejected all three. It's never a good feeling to have your work be rejected - even if it's something that you are donating - because it feels like you personally are being rejected. In this case, I had actually thought that I would like to keep these three pieces because I liked two of them and one I wanted to repaint. So it really doesn't matter - except that it does.