The Questionnaire is meant to be a lighter version of a bio, a little more revealing in some respects and personal without all the facts bogging it down. I supply the questions and the respondents supply the answers. Either one or both of us supply the images. (Note: Click on images to enlarge.)
P a m F a r r e l l
What is your favorite color?
Currently, earthy greens/golds/browns/greys that have no name
Hypnotist Collector (ochre 2), 2009, encaustic on panel, 18"x18" |
Monoprint 1, 2010, oil on mulberry paper, 16"x20" |
Monoprint 2, 2010, oil on mulberry paper, 16"x20" |
Chamber 2, 2010, digital image |
What is your favorite word?
Every day a different one... today's favorite word is excellent!
Pam behind the camera on her Mac |
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Creatively: challenging, new information; things I don't know
What turns you off?
Creatively: over-thinking, self-doubt
What profession other than artist would you most like to be?
Rock star or neuroscientist
What is your favorite book or movie?
Changes all the time... currently the book I cherish is The Cloud Atlas; I love dictionaries, reference books, specialty glossaries
(Not the novel The Cloud Atlas, but the actual cloud atlas)
Who is your favorite musician, musical group or style of music?
Blues, jazz, three-chord rock n roll, early r & b
Howlin' Wolf, Robert Johnson, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Mingus, Chuck Berry, early Stones...I could go on
Charles Mingus |
What do you most value in your friends?
Connection, authenticity
Name three artists whose work has influenced your own or whose work you most relate to.
Cy Twombly, Gerhard Richter, Brice Marden
Cy Twombly at the Cy Twombly Gallery in Houston with the gallery's largest painting, Say Goodbye, Catullus, to the Shores of Asia Minor |
Gerhard Richter, Abstract Painting, 1995, oil on canvas, 41x36cm (about 16"x14") |
Brice Marden, Adriatic, 1972-73 |
Brice Marden, Orange Rocks, Red Ground, 2000-02 |
Name an artist whose work you admire but which may be unlike yours.
Bruce Nauman, Richard Tuttle, Eva Hesse
Bruce Nauman, Life/Death, Love/Hate, Pleasure/Pain |
Richard Tuttle, For Ron, 2009, acrylic/colored cardboard/mahogany shelf, 14 3/4"x40"x2" |
Eva Hesse, Ennead, 1966, acrylic, paper-mache, plastic, plywood, string |
What is your idea of earthly happiness?
Being in the paint
More Work From P a m F a r r e l l
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All Things Flow (grey), 2010, oil on copper, 5"x5" |
Canal 1121, 2008, digital image |
Canal 1122, 2009, digital image |
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False Walls (lacuna), 2009, encaustic on panel, 36"x36" |
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Hypnotist Collector (grey), 2009, encaustic on panel, 36"x36" |
Monoprint 3, 2010, oil on mulberry paper, 16"x20" |
For still more work by Pam, see and
A great combo--Pam's powerful, mysterious, hauntingly beguiling images and her laconic, witty, epigrammatic self. Nancy, this form does have its own revelatory power. Great job.
Thank you for this posting Nancy - I love Pam's work. Likely she would be a great rock star!!
LIKE. Oh, wait, that's Facebook.
Trying again: I like this post, and this series.
This is terrific, her work is so rich. And I love that she loves Chuck Berry.
thank you all...and thank you, Nancy for posting my responses and my work.
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