These are small pieces that I made to try out some ideas for larger works. I'm giving you both the straight-on view and the angled view so you can see more of the texture, dimensionality and reflectivity.
A Little Absent, rubber, metal, tacks and encaustic on two joined panels, about 14"Hx20"W |
Blur, book parts, prints, staples, encaustic and oilstick on panel, 12"x12" |
Shiny Blue, book parts, metal, rubber, tacks and encaustic on panel, 12"x12" |
Getso Blue, book parts, tacks, wire and encaustic on panel, 12"x12" |
When I took a look at this post in preview mode, I could see the sidebar images too. It looked like Rubber World. Do you think I have a fetish?
A little good news: this week my new hot tips arrived from R&F so I'll be using the new and improved horn and the new and improved iron for the type of work shown in this post (Running Stitch series). The shoe (the tip that I have been using) is really kind of big for this use, but I've had to make do while waiting for these new tips to come in. Even though there won't be a shoe, there will still be a Running Stitch.
getso blue...looks great....dimensionally and color. It actually reads like a very large scale piece...hmmm....
I love these. They are filled with courage. Thanks for sharing. I especially appreciate the side views.
Liking this very interesting direction. You'll like the horn..
Absolutely beautiful, Nancy. I especially like Getso Blue.
I thought of you this week, with hopes of exploring the abstract in NYC. I should have guessed, however, that I'd find myself (during my few free hours) instead with Degas at the Morgan Library. Creature of habit, I guess. Next time for sure...
"Blur" and "A Little Absent" are my faves. Great work!
Nancy, so glad to see a whole slew of this series at once. Very strong, muscular work--congratulations for hitting a stride that is really memorable.
I love these pieces! Great work.
Thank you for commenting, everybody! I appreciate your taking the time to let me know that you like this work. It is very fun to make and I'm having a great time with it.
I do love the new horn and in fact I was working on six little red pieces today that I had started earlier. I totally repainted and rehorned them, adding other color, oil pastel, etc. It was too dark when I finished to get a good photo, so I'll show you on Saturday or Sunday what they look like.
Wendy, I hope you get to the abstraction one of these days.
I like all of these alot.
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