So here's my problem: I made another diptych in orange, etc. that I really wasn't happy with. It's probably too much information, but here are three versions:

Version 2 - in which I turned the first panel on its side and extended the lines. But I thought this made it look too much like balloons or boobs, so then I...
Version 3 - turned the panels around. But then I thought it was kind of boring and not really like my work.
So, reader, I scraped.
That's the wonderful thing about encaustic - just heat it up and scrape away. All your indecisions, bad decisions, and misdirections just end up in balls of wax and you start over with nice, clean panels.
My Bowl of Balls in the display window at my last show.
I'll let you know how things turn out with Version 4.
I relly like Masquerade. I love the warm rich tones, the testures and the way the two look together. I'm with you, if I see boobs or such, its got to get changed! Too funny!
Thanks for your vote of confidence, Leslie. And lose those boobs!
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