Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sneak Peak of the Bing Show

The reception for my show, GEOMETRIC BRICOLAGE: Found Materials Transformed, at the Bing Arts Center will be held Saturday night, February 11th, 5 to 7 p.m. Everyone is invited to join me to see the work and enjoy some refreshments. Here are a few quick pictures to preview the work exhibited. Many more images will follow.

The Bing has glass-fronted galleries on either side of the central lobby entrance. (See the Bing Arts Center image in the sidebar at right.) Both sides announce the show title with my name. This is nearly as good as seeing my name in lights!

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One wall in the righthand gallery features the two Centerfold pieces (30"x30" each), Thinking L.D. (48"x60") and Half 'n'Half (32"x40.5").

Part of a wall in the gallery on the other side includes three pieces from the Iconic Books series (each 12"x21"), The Blue Flower (30"x40") and the two Subliminal Stretch pieces (each 51"x16").

There are 32 pieces in the entire show of works constructed from mixed media with encaustic on panel.

I hope to see you there!


  1. This looks like it promises to be an exciting show! Looking forward to seeing the work up close!

  2. So sorry I won't be able to see your show. Best wishes for a great opening. Love your work.

  3. Wow..the work looks fantastic and you have truly been BUSY...congrats and best of luck on your opening..if I lived closer I would be there for sure to support you...so from afar I do the same, supria

  4. Thanks so much for your support, Lynette, Terry and Supria. I'm glad you'll be there Lynette and wish I could see you in person, Terry and Supria.

  5. Sorry to be so far away,Nancy. This looks like a fascinating and beautiful show. Congratulations and thanks for the preview.

  6. oh, Nancy, it looks great. wish I could see it myself.

  7. Thanks for the great photos! Best wishes.

  8. Love your work. Sorry I cant see your show in person. Best wishes.
