Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Three More New Ones

These next three are the last of the new ones. They have some color in them - orange - which seems very full of life and related to the sun. These pieces still have a very dark feel but maybe not as dark as the books. What do you think?

"Black Sun", 24" x 12", encaustic, rubber, tacks, oilstick, patinated washers.

"Dark Garden" diptych, each panel 12" x 12", encaustic, rubber, crochet, cord, tacks, oilstick

"Once Upon a Time", diptych, each panel 12" x 12", encaustic, rubber, tacks, beads, crochet. This one is my favorite.

These are the first of yet another series, so you can see I have my work cut out for me.


  1. I love subdued colors and textures, and have even tried encaustic as I have taken two workshops. But I have yet to incorporate encaustic into my own studio work. I think your work will inspire me to try it at home.

  2. Thank you for your comment, Donna. I think you would enjoy working with encaustic and could incorporate it fairly easily into your work after you mastered some of the technical aspects of it. It's a wonderful medium that lends itself to many different effects.

  3. HI Nancy,
    Just checked in to see this post and your book post......guess we are thinking "along the same lines" ( a title for my next series?)

    These works are warm, mysterious and primitive looking."Once Upon a Time" is my favorite also

    I love the way you have incorporated your book pages into previous post's work.
    Always exciting to see to see working changing,,,isn't it?

  4. Thank you for your very nice comment, Lisa. Yes I like that for a title.

    I've been wanting to start using all those old books I've been collecting that are cluttering up my studio (amongst the rest of the clutter) and finally think I'm going to get at them. So far it's only been a few pages but I have lots of plans. It is exciting to see things change. Love it!

  5. This new work of yours is compelling in the richness of it. Good for you Nancy.

  6. Nancy - Your work is stunning! I love that you are mixing unconventional elements and the textures you create are really compelling. Thank you for commenting on my blog!

  7. These pieces remind me of Charles Rennie Mackintosh's designs especially your piece, "Dark Garden". It reminded me of he painting "The Wassail". You have inspired me to pull out his designs.

  8. Hi Karen, I'm glad you're inspired but I have to say that I don't really see the similarity between my work and Mackintosh's The Wassail. If it works for you, go for it. Thanks for your comment.
